Squirrel Logic

Squirrel Logic

Squirrel logic:

95% of the way across the road …

Better turn around!

Squirrel logic is a fascinating phenomenon that defies all understanding. These small, furry creatures seem to operate on a completely different level of reasoning. They tirelessly collect and hoard acorns as if they are preparing for an impending apocalypse. Never mind the fact that there is an abundance of food available, squirrels will continue to stockpile their treasures with unwavering determination. Their logic dictates that more is always better, a concept that humans may find amusing or even perplexing. Whether it's their insatiable desire to stash acorns in the most unlikely places or their fearless leaps from tree to tree, squirrels certainly possess a unique and almost comical approach to life. So, next time you witness a squirrel engaging in some peculiar behavior, just remember, it's all part of their inexplicable squirrel logic.

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