Monday. You. Bastard. — Joke Portal
Monday. You. Bastard.

Monday. You. Bastard.

Monday. You. Bastard.

Monday … the day that prompts a collective sigh from many as the weekend bliss comes to an end. It seems to be a universal truth that starting the workweek on Monday can be a challenge for most. The sound of the alarm clock buzzing in the early morning, the rush to get ready, and the commute to work all contribute to the Monday blues. Yet, amidst the groans and tired eyes, there is a sense of new beginnings and a fresh start that Monday brings. It's a day to set goals, make plans, and tackle the week ahead with determination. So, whether you embrace Mondays with open arms or drag your feet through the day, one thing is certain – it’s the beginning of a new chapter waiting to unfold.

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