Manhole Cover Misaligned

Manhole Cover Misaligned

Manhole cover misaligned …

Does this bother you?

Misaligned manhole covers are like poorly dressed guests at a fancy party — they stick out like a sore thumb. The sight of a manhole cover askew on the road is enough to elicit a knowing grimace from anyone passing by. It's as if the city's infrastructure decided to have a little rebellious moment, causing inconvenience to both pedestrians and drivers alike. The misalignment becomes a visual nuisance, a stumbling block to the smoothness of the urban landscape. One can't help but wonder about the chain of events that led to this awkward positioning - was it a careless worker, an unruly vehicle, or the work of mischievous urban gremlins? Nonetheless, seeing a manhole cover out of place undeniably adds a touch of unexpected humor to an otherwise mundane commute.



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