Man Eats Underwear To Beat Breathalyzer

Man Eats Underwear To Beat Breathalyzer

Man Eats Underwear To Beat Breathalyzer

In a surprising turn of events, a man has resorted to a truly unconventional method to beat a breathalyzer test. In a desperate attempt to conceal his alcohol-infused breath, he decided to consume his underwear. Yes, you read that correctly. This peculiar strategy involved munching on his undergarment in the hopes that it would somehow mask the intoxication. The bizarre decision left many scratching their heads, with some even questioning the man's sanity. While the jury is still out on whether this peculiar act actually worked, one thing is for sure — it certainly left everyone speechless. Perhaps it's a reminder that when it comes to finding ways to outsmart the system, we humans can sometimes go to extraordinary, and downright strange, lengths.

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